Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What is Your Motive?

Some managers like to give feedback just to show people who is boss. What is your motive when you give feedback to employees? Is it to change behavior and improve performance, or to simply remind them that you are their superior?

Research says that people like to know where they stand. Employees like to be connected to the purpose and mission of the organization. Generally speaking, we all want to feel that we've given the best part of our lives in something that will actually make a difference.

As managers, our biggest duty should simply be to reconnect people with the organization's mission and purpose on a regular basis. By letting people know that we appreciate their good work and communicating that it does make a difference, we motivate employees to give their best on a regular basis.

Unfortunately, many bosses simply view their job as the enforcer and fire fighter. So, they spend much of their time consumed with things that distract from the bigger responsibility of motivating employees.

What is your motive when speaking to employees? Are you connecting and reminding them of the mission and purpose of their work, or simply letting them know who is boss?

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