Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Insulated Manager

Why is it that bosses generally remain insulated from the employees they manage? While speaking to one such manager on the plane today, she simply admitted, "Being out among the employees required at least 4 hours of my day and it usually created a whole lot more work as a result." While we know that employees want better communication and interaction, we (managers) ultimately find it easier to simply stay in our offices and avoid at least some of the problems that face us on a daily basis. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we don't deal with the problems or issues of the day, indeed most managers say that they spend most of their time with problems and putting out fires -- which is exactly why they don't have time or energy to go out and find anymore than they already dealt with that day.

Is this management strategy (or coping mechanism) the best way for managers to spend their time? What is the alternative? What do you do to manage the daily requests and still find time to spend time with your employees on the front line?

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