Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Is it EASY to Do Business With You?

"I'm the #!$%# easiest person to manage!" the man angrily declared. Though I didn't say anything, I thought to myself: If this person could only hear himself talk. How truly blinded and how revealing it is to hear someone declare their own greatness -- as if saying it louder somehow makes it real.

The reality was that nothing could be farther from the truth. This guy was tough to work with and out of fear of reprisal, people felt constantly obligated to ingratitiate themselves to him. Spending time with him always included eye rolls as people shuffled through knowing that it was their turn to sit and listen to this person talk about himself.

The result: Trust levels and business results were compromised. Interesting isn't it?

So, let me ask you:
  • Is it easy to do business with you?
  • How do you come across to your colleagues, family, and friends?
  • Are you blinded by your own greatness?

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