Monday, August 3, 2009

Employee Engagement Defined

Engagement. Engagement. Engagement. Nowadays, it is an employer's "Holy Grail" to profitability. Yet what exactly does it mean?

While there are many definitions, few are as concise or as simple as the one I recently received from a friend that described it this way:

“Employee engagement is when the business values the employee and the employee
values the business."

It seems so simple doesn't it? So, why is it so hard to achieve? Is this elusive management "must have" doomed to follow fads of the past?

Before you think this is going away, I encourage you to check out one of the fastest growing on-line communities on the subject: (Note: I have no personal interest in the site, but I find it to be very informative and useful).

Let me know what you think.

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